HDS - Hair Dressing Salon
HDS stands for Hair Dressing Salon
Here you will find, what does HDS stand for in Business under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hair Dressing Salon? Hair Dressing Salon can be abbreviated as HDS What does HDS stand for? HDS stands for Hair Dressing Salon. What does Hair Dressing Salon mean?The Business company falls under retail category and is located in Norcross, Georgia.
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Alternative definitions of HDS
- Hitachi Data Systems
- High Definition Surveying
- Hierarchical Data System
- Historical Diving Society
- High Density Storage
- Hitachi
- Hardware-dependent software
- Hoedspruit Afs airport
View 95 other definitions of HDS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HBR Halifax Burger Restaurant
- HMS Health Management Systems
- HSBHC Houston Super Bowl Host Committee
- HSA Hela Spice Australia
- HFW Huddersfield Fine Worsteds
- HAS The Home Art Studio
- HIOC Holiday Inn Oakville Centre
- HCG Hammond Communications Group
- HHCLA Homeless Health Care Los Angeles
- HC The Herrick Corporation
- HB Honda of Burleson
- HM Hilton del Mar
- HNB Hungarian National Ballet
- HHAMICL Hebei Hua Ao Mining Industry Company Ltd
- HER Higgins Event Rentals
- HCCSAS HC Container Service A/S
- HES Harding Elementary School
- HCNT Heart Center of North Texas